- ご飯
- 納豆
- 焼き鮭&大根おろし
- 枝豆
- ゴーヤチャンプルー
- 冷奴
- キュウリ
- 麦茶
Grilled sake(natural salmon) and grated radish
Green soybeans
Goya Chanpuru
cold tofu
barley tea
The grilled sake that day was very delicious and browned! It is salty and dry, and goes great with white rice. By the way, salmon is cultivated and there are no parasites, so you can eat it raw with sushi and sashimi, but sake is a natural product and there are many parasites such as Anisakis, so eat it raw. Don’t.Please note that sake and salmon are sold as completely different items at Japanese supermarkets.

By the way, since it was during the Tokyo Olympics at this time, I will gradually post strange pictures that I have drawn. This picture is a judo match, a player from some country who was fighting with a painful injury. The memo on the side is very soft, like an octopus! is what it reads. The opponent’s player was having a hard time because it was highly flexible and passed out like an octopus.