- ご飯(写真に写ってません)
- ゴーヤチャンプルー
- 鰹のタタキ
- キュウリ
- かまぼこ
- 八角魚の塩焼き
Rice (not shown in the photo)
Goya Chanpuru
Bonito tataki
Grilled star anise with salt
The grilled fish of the day I saw for the first time in a year. It looks a little uncomfortable. .. .. Is it this unpleasant fish? I thought, but it looks like a Hokkaido fish called star anise. It is a kind of Poacher family of Mail-cheeked fish, and when I examined the appearance before the fillet, it looked quite impactful. Impression that it was hard with many bones. Is the taste like a solid saury? I’m not very familiar with it, so if you study it, there may be more delicious recipes.

↑こんな感じのお魚。本物はこれの100倍グロテスク。でも、絶品の味なんですって。A fish like this. The real thing is 100 times more grotesque than this. But it tastes great.