- カボチャサラダ
- ゴーヤの卵とじ
- 食パン(写真に写ってません)
Pumpkin salad
Bitter gourd egg binding
Bread (not shown in the photo)
The Tokyo Olympics have finally begun.Hold an unprecedented unattended match.The air of the Olympic hate changed to the Olympic festival mode at once in the early medal rush! The competition will be broadcast live on TV every day, so you can improve your self-restraint life. It was so hot that I didn’t want to go outside, so it was just right!

表彰の花束にマスコットキャラがくっついていて可愛かったですね!復興祈願のために、東日本大震災で被災した地域の花が使われたんですよね。トルコギキョウ(福島県産)、ヒマワリ(宮城県産)、リンドウ(岩手県産)、ナルコラン(福島県産)など 。
The mascot character was attached to the award bouquet and it was cute! The flowers in the area affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake were used to pray for reconstruction. Turkey Gikyo (Fukushima Prefecture), Sunflower (Miyagi Prefecture), Gentiana (Iwate Prefecture), Narukoran (Fukushima Prefecture), etc.