- ご飯(写真に写ってません)
- ゴーヤチャンプルーとミニトマト
- 茄子のお浸し
- 大根とインゲンの煮物
- ひきわり納豆
- かまぼことちくわと漬け物
Rice (not shown in the photo)
Goya Chanpuru and mini tomato
Soaked eggplant
Boiled radish and green beans
Hikiwari Natto
Kamaboko and chikuwa and pickles
If you have tomatoes when you take a meal photo, the camera reacts to the red color of the tomatoes and automatically switches to cooking mode, which is very convenient. The tomatoes used on this day are like mini tomatoes. Mini tomatoes are a standard vegetable for side dishes of bento. Bento, which tends to be a brown side dish, becomes gorgeous, and it is convenient because you can easily eat it without cooking! By the way, this mini tomato first came in for ornamental use in the Edo period, and after repeated breeding, it became popular as an edible product around 1975.