2021/07/23晩御飯dinner 【北海道産ホッケと大根おろしの話】【The story of Hokkaido atka mackerel and grated radish】

japanese food dinner
  • ご飯
  • シジミの味噌汁
  • ホッケ
  • 納豆
  • 蒸かしいも
  • 卵とほうれん草のお浸し
  • トマト
  • チーズ入りかまぼこ

Clam miso soup
Atka mackerel
Steamy potatoes
Soaked eggs and spinach
Kamaboko with cheese


The main dish of the day was Hokkaido atka mackerel on a plate on rice. It’s a fillet, but it was three times as big as it was originally! It’s packed and delicious with a chewy texture! And the snow-like objects scattered on the baked atka mackerel are grated radish. In Japan, it is common to add grated radish to grilled fish. That’s it! It is imprinted as. So why is it now? According to the investigation, grated radish attached to grilled fish has functions such as decomposing lipids, promoting digestion, excreting carcinogens from the body, and eliminating odor with spicy taste. As for the taste, it surely suppresses fat and salt and makes it refreshing. I found many things myself when I searched to write a short story on this blog.

Amazon.co.jp: 開きほっけ 羅臼産 北海道加工 天然真ほっけ開き (300g3尾) : 食品・飲料・お酒
Amazon.co.jp: 開きほっけ 羅臼産 北海道加工 天然真ほっけ開き (300g3尾) : 食品・飲料・お酒
Amazon.co.jp: パナソニック フードプロセッサー きざむ する 混ぜる おろす 粗おろし こねる スライス 千切り MK-K81-W : ホーム&キッチン
Amazon.co.jp: パナソニック フードプロセッサー きざむ する 混ぜる おろす 粗おろし こねる スライス 千切り MK-K81-W : ホーム&キッチン

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japanese food dinner
とある日本人が昨年食べた献立記録The menu record that a Japanese ate last year.

