2021/07/20【海の日ってなんだろう?とおよげ!たいやきくんの話】【The story of What is Marine Day? and Oyoge!(Swim!) Taiyaki-kun】

japanese culture


Marine Day is a holiday that appreciates the benefits of the sea and wishes for the prosperity of Japan, a maritime nation. I always thought that Kumatamo was the day when the sea opened. Hey! I see! Marine Day, which came into effect on July 20, 1996, is now the third Monday of July due to the Happy Monday Act amended in 2003. In 2021, we moved further to the day before the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics, and Thursday, July 22, became a holiday for Marine Day. As a result, last year there was a tiny mess at companies and educational sites. Kumatamo was withdrawn, so there was no problem. This year, as usual, July 18th, the third Monday of July, was Marine Day.



I’m sorry, I’m addicted to drawing strange illustrations, so please stay with me for a while. The beaches in Kumatamo’s area are black sands and gray and dark green waters. I admire the remote islands of Japan and the blue-green gradation of the sea and white sand beaches that I used to travel to. What I want to do now is to swim in the Hawaiian waters. Among the people in Kumatamo, is this picture “Oyoge! (Swim!)Taiyaki-kun”? It became a topic. A long time ago, the song “Oyoge! Taiyaki-kun” sung by Shimon Masato became popular. Taiyaki is a Japanese confectionery. It’s an icon of Kumatamo. Wrap the bean paste etc. while baking the dough on a fish-shaped iron plate. Therefore, such lyrics of this song are famous. “Every day, every day, we’re on an iron plate ♪ I hate being burned on it ♪”(literal translation)


※”Oyoge! Taiyaki-kun”It is a part of the lyrics of the English translation version. .. Day after day I was waiting to be fried
I always tried to run away and hide
One morning I said, “I want to be free”
I left the fish store and went to the sea

英語版 およげ!たいやきくん | カラオケで皆を笑わせよう! 笑える 面白い替え歌
この歌子供用と思ってバカにしてはいけません、英訳を見ると全ての行で韻が踏まれています。 最後のmunch-lunchなどは感心しました。ネイティブでないと...

↑こちらの引用したHPに全文がありますので、ご興味のある方はご覧くださいませ。↑The full text is available on this quoted website, so please have a look if you are interested.


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とある日本人が昨年食べた献立記録The menu record that a Japanese ate last year.

