- ご飯(写真に写ってません)
- 人参とじゃがいもの煮物
- 茹でたブロッコリー
- ゆで卵
- トマト
- 焼き茄子
- ピーマンの肉詰め
Rice (not shown in the photo)
Boiled carrots and potatoes
Boiled broccoli
Boiled egg
Grilled eggplant
Stuffed peppers
Stuffed peppers are a staple on Japanese dining tables, but they seem to originate from Turkish (Mediterranean) cuisine. Stuffed peppers are made by cutting peppers in half vertically, removing the seeds from the contents, stuffing the peppers, and baking them. It seems that some people make it by hollowing out the upper side of the peppers. This is seasoned with ketchup and sauce, boiled with gravy and placed on the surface of the meat. A juicy and rich finish. Should I make it so that children who don’t like peppers can eat it? However, I don’t recommend it because you can eat only the meat and leave only the skin of the peppers.