- トウモロコシご飯
- シジミの味噌汁
- 鶏肉とピーマンの蒸し焼き
- キュウリの酢の物
- トマト
- 赤魚の蒸し焼き
Corn rice
Clam miso soup
Steamed chicken and peppers
Cucumber vinegared food
Steamed red fish
Something on the upper left plate with tomatoes is grilled fish. I thought it was meat. I thought it was meat too. Due to the effect of baking, the texture was juicy like meat. In recent years, it has rapidly come to be seen in supermarkets. It is said that the representative domestic product is “Akoudai(赤魚鯛=Red fish sea bream)” and the foreign product is “Pacific ocean perch”. The surface is red. It is as delicious as the sea bream of high-class fish. This is a wallet-friendly price.