2021/07/15晩御飯dinner 【白いトウモロコシご飯と味噌汁のシジミは食べるか問題の話】【The story of white corn rice and Is it a problem to eat the clams of miso soup?】

japanese food dinner
  • 白いトウモロコシご飯
  • シジミの味噌汁
  • トマト
  • 茄子の肉巻き
  • 小松菜のゴマ油炒め
  • キュウリ

White corn rice
Clam miso soup
Eggplant meat roll
Stir-fried Japanese mustard spinach with sesame oil


The combination of white corn and rice on that day went very well. Both moisture and sweetness go very well together. By the way, the clam miso soup that often appears on the table. This is boiled and used. It’s okay to catch it raw, but it’s easier to get umami ingredients when frozen, and the nutrition of ornithine increases eight times. In addition, there is often a debate about whether to eat or not to eat the contents of the clam shellfish. Clams are used as soup stock, so it doesn’t matter which one.Kumatamo is a waste, so it’s a group that eats everything except shells, but if it’s small and difficult to pinch with chopsticks, you can leave it.

風味絶佳.山陰 宍道湖産 冷凍しじみ1kg(中粒) 砂抜き済
◆名称:砂抜き済冷凍大和しじみ ◆原材料名:大和しじみ(島根県宍道湖産) ◆内容量:1kg(500g/中粒×2袋) ◆賞味期限:6カ月 ◆保存方法:-18℃以下で保存(要冷凍) ◆販売者:I.C.ティアラム株式会社 鳥取県境港市浜ノ町61-...

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japanese food dinner
とある日本人が昨年食べた献立記録The menu record that a Japanese ate last year.

