- ご飯
- シジミの味噌汁
- 明太子
- 茄子と豚肉のピリ辛炒め
- キュウリ
- トマト
- ゆで卵
Clam miso soup
Spicy stir-fried eggplant and pork
Boiled egg
The main Japanese summer vegetables are lettuce, cucumber, tomato, eggplant, corn, moroheiya, pumpkin, bitter gourd, etc. These summer vegetables have high nutritional value required for summer such as vitamins. In particular, cucumber has a lot of water and potassium and has a diuretic effect, so it cools the body from the inside. Very good for summer heat fatigue. Eating seasonal vegetables will help you feel better. I like the fact that tomatoes and cucumbers can be eaten raw without being cooked. The scene where two girls, the main characters, eat freshly picked cucumbers in an animated movie called Totoro produced by Studio Ghibli looked really delicious. Cucumbers are sold in winter, but we don’t recommend eating them in the cold.