- 雑穀米
- カツオのたたき
- キュウリの酢の物
- トマト
- 蒸し野菜
- シュウマイ
multigrain rice
Katsuo no tataki
Cucumber vinegared food
Steamed vegetables
Chinese Steamed Dumplings
In the past, white rice was more expensive than millet rice and brown rice. Even in the Edo period, even though the custom of eating white rice became mainstream in urban areas, brown rice food was still the mainstream in rural areas. As a result, samurai and daimyo who came to Edo from rural areas could not supplement their nutrition with white rice alone and became ill due to beriberi. Nowadays, in order to make it more nutritious than white rice, we sometimes buy brown rice or millet rice at + α and mix it with white rice to cook. Some set meal shops ask you which is better, white rice or millet rice. Values change with the evolution of the times.