- ご飯
- アサリの味噌汁
- ホタテの刺身
- キュウリと赤カブとちくわの酢の物
- 蒸かしイモ
- 茹でインゲン
- キャベツの千切り
- トンカツ
- 麦茶
Asari miso soup
Scallop sashimi
Cucumber, red turnip and chikuwa vinegar
Steamed potatoes
Boiled green beans
Shredded cabbage
barley tea
July 7th is the day of the Tanabata Festival. It is said that Orihime and Hikoboshi can meet once a year in the Milky Way. Therefore, it is not sunny every year on Tanabata, but it is rainy and cloudy, but it is said that it is not sunny so that they can meet alone. Next, write your wishes on a piece of paper, hang them on bamboo leaves, decorate them with bamboo grass, and hold a festival. Last year and two years ago, I think there were many wishes for the corona to converge. I’m eating pork cutlet on this day, but I think I ate pork cutlet and defeated Corona. You can eat the pork cutlet the day before the test because the reading of “勝つ(katu)=winning”, which means victory, is the same as the “カツ(katu)=cutlet” part of the pork cutlet.

上が飾り付けをした笹のイメージです。本物はこれの100倍神秘的です!下はパンダです。笹はパンダの食べ物だから描いてみました。本物はこれの100倍可愛いです!The image above is a decorated bamboo grass. The real thing is 100 times more mysterious than this! Below is a panda. Sasa is a panda’s food, so I drew it. The real thing is 100 times as cute as this!