- ご飯
- シジミの味噌汁
- もずく
- ひきわり納豆
- シーフードサラダ
- インゲン豆の炒め物
- 焼きシシャモ
- 麦茶
- マロングラッセ
Clam miso soup
Hikiwari Natto
Seafood salad
Stir-fried green beans
Grilled shishamo
barley tea
Marron Glacé
It seems that the seafood mix used in the salad that day contained shrimp, squid, and scallops. Put the tuna in the tuna can there. You can buy fish and shellfish in the Fresh and Shellfish section, but you can also use a frozen seafood mix for price and convenience. Today, different companies sell different types of products, large and small. Small size items can be used for pilaf and fried rice, and large size items can be used for paella and curry.