- 温かいそば
- キュウリ
- シシャモ
- キノコとトマトのマリネ
- サラダ
Warm soba
Marinated mushrooms and tomatoes
Last year today, the temperature is 7 degrees Celsius lower than today. It must have been chilly. It seems that he was eating hot soba. Now, when I look at the picture of the hot bowl, it’s hot just by looking at it, so I haven’t put it on the thumbnail picture. I like udon better than soba. That’s not to say, but be careful when recommending soba when you eat Japanese food for the first time. The texture may not suit people in countries and regions that do not have buckwheat culture. I’ve heard that when I made soba at my homestay, it was said to be unpleasant and all was left behind. That would be a little sad, wouldn’t it? Soba has a rough texture and bitterness compared to udon, pasta, and ramen, right? I think that is good for people who like it, but isn’t it for Japanese food experts? I personally think.For reference, countries where buckwheat flour culture is flourishing include China, the Korean Peninsula (cold noodles, etc.), France (galette), and Slovenia.