2021/06/25晩御飯dinner【日本人は量より色んな種類の食材を味わいたい民族と真夏日と猛暑日の違いの話】【The story of Japanese people want to taste various kinds of ingredients rather than quantity and the difference between a midsummer day and a hot day】

japanese food dinner
  • ご飯(写真に写ってません)
  • 豆腐の味噌汁
  • 茹でインゲン
  • ほうれん草のお浸し
  • ゆで卵
  • 茄子の炒め物
  • カットステーキ
  • 麦茶

Rice (not shown in the photo)
Tofu miso soup
Boiled green beans
Soak spinach
Boiled egg
Stir-fried eggplant
Cut steak
barley tea


The main dish of the day is steak, but the amount is small. I want to eat more, so I think I added natto and seaweed to it, though it’s not shown in the photo. Japanese people eat less than other countries, but they are a people who want to taste various kinds of foods.By the way, today is a midsummer day to a hot summer day, continuing from yesterday. A day with a maximum temperature of 35 ° C or higher is called a hot day, a day with a maximum temperature of 30 ° C or higher is called a midsummer day, and a day with a maximum temperature of 25 ° C or higher is called a summer day.


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japanese food dinner
とある日本人が昨年食べた献立記録The menu record that a Japanese ate last year.

