2021/06/19昼ご飯lunch【手作りコロッケはふわっふわなのとコロッケは元々西洋料理なのと台風の日にコロッケを買うのが流行った話】【The story of handmade croquettes are fluffy and originally Western food, and it was popular to buy croquettes on typhoon days】

japanese food lunch
  • 炊き込みご飯
  • なめことえのきの味噌汁
  • コロッケ
  • サラダ

Cooked rice
Miso soup of nameko and flammulina fili


Freshly fried croquettes are fluffy and delicious, whether eaten at the store or handmade! Croquette is one of the Japanese and Western dishes that imitates French croquette, which is made by wrapping boiled and crushed potatoes and cream sauce in chopped meat and vegetables and fried in cooking oil. For some reason, there was a tradition of buying croquettes before the typhoon landed. Japanese people have a habit of buying and preparing food before a typhoon hits. There was a comment on the famous bulletin board that bought croquettes before the typhoon, and those who saw it became popular with it.

Amazon | スターゼン 肉 お惣菜 セット 5種 約1.9kg 冷凍 ハンバーグ ウインナー コロッケ 肉だんご ミートボール ホルモン 冷凍食品 詰め合わせ | スターゼン | 冷凍惣菜 通販
スターゼン 肉 お惣菜 セット 5種 約1.9kg 冷凍 ハンバーグ ウインナー コロッケ 肉だんご ミートボール ホルモン 冷凍食品 詰め合わせが冷凍惣菜ストアでいつでもお買い得。当日お急ぎ便対象商品は、当日お届け可能です。アマゾン配送商...

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japanese food lunch
とある日本人が昨年食べた献立記録The menu record that a Japanese ate last year.

