- ご飯
- シジミの味噌汁
- マグロの刺身
- 桜えびの刺身
- 蒸し鶏
- 人参ソテー
- 梅干し
- ひきわり納豆
- キュウリと玉ねぎの酢の物
- 明太子
- 麦茶
cooked rice
Clam miso soup
Tuna sashimi
raw sakura shrimp sashimi
Steamed chicken
Carrot saute
Salted plum
Hikiwari Natto
Cucumber and onion vinegared food
barley tea
Japanese people eat side dishes with their staple food as rice. In particular, you can eat rice with salty ingredients such as prunes, natto, sashimi, and sushi. The side dish of this day is not enough for a cup of rice, so I think I ate another cup.