2021/05/22晩御飯dinner【味噌汁の種類とマグロの歴史の話】【The story of types of miso soup and history of tuna】

japanese food dinner


  • ご飯
  • 味噌汁
  • マグロの刺身
  • 煮物
  • 鶏と野菜の炒り卵
  • ひきわり納豆
  • もずく
  • 麦茶

Rice, miso soup, tuna sashimi, simmered dishes, roasted chicken and vegetables and minced meat, natto, mozuku,barley tea


The miso soup of the day is like red miso. The ingredients are freshwater lajonkairia lajonkai and wakame seaweed. In a nutshell, there are many types of miso soup. There are two types of miso, red miso and white miso, and mixed miso, which is a blend of miso types. Red miso has a strong salty taste and is a deep orange color. White miso has a sweetness in addition to saltiness, and has a pale birch-like color. Generally, miso soup has a strong taste in the Kanto region and a light taste in the Kansai region.And regarding tuna, you can see that the bones of tuna have been excavated and have been eaten since the Jomon period. A big tuna boom came during the Edo period. This is because the cooking method of pickling tuna in soy sauce to keep it fresh is widespread. However, in modern times, the expensive Toro part was abandoned because it was difficult to preserve and greasy in the Edo period. Too good to waste!


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japanese food dinner
とある日本人が昨年食べた献立記録The menu record that a Japanese ate last year.

