
- ご飯
- 味噌汁
- サーモントマトサラダ
- もずく
- ポテトサラダ
- 肉巻き
- ワカメ
- ひきわり納豆
- オレンジジュース
Rice, miso soup, salmon, tomato, salad, mozuku,meat roll, potato salad, wakame seaweed, hikiwari natto orange juice
The menu on this day has a very good balance of colors! The better the color of the side dishes, the better the balance of nutrients.By the way, many Japanese are right-handed, so they eat with chopsticks in their right hand and a bowl in their left hand. Therefore, from the perspective of the eater, the basics of the table are to place rice on the left and miso soup on the right.