japanese food dinner

2021/06/20晩御飯dinner【考えるのが面倒な日のカレーライスの話】【The story of Curry rice on a day when it is troublesome to think about menu】

色んなおかずを考えるのが面倒な時に作ろう!Let's make it when it's troublesome to think of various side dishes!その名はカレーライス!Its name is curry rice!
japanese culture

2021/06/20【おやつにパイナップルとPPAPと食中植物のつぼみの話】【Pineapple and PPAP and carnivorous plant buds for snacks】

おやつにパイナップルとPPAPと食中植物のつぼみの話 Pineapple and PPAP and carnivorous plant buds for snacks.唐突に思い出すPPAPPPAP suddenly comes to mind
japanese food lunch

2021/06/20昼ご飯lunch【軽めの食事をしたいときはなんだかんだそうめんとお中元の話】【The story of when you want to eat light meals, somen and midyear gifts】

お中元にそうめんが飽きるほど送られてくる!?I'm getting tired of somen noodles sent to my midsummer gift! ?でも、お中元て何?What is midsummer?
japanese food lunch

2021/06/19昼ご飯lunch【手作りコロッケはふわっふわなのとコロッケは元々西洋料理なのと台風の日にコロッケを買うのが流行った話】【The story of handmade croquettes are fluffy and originally Western food, and it was popular to buy croquettes on typhoon days】

手作りコロッケはふわふわ?それは西洋料理?Is it Western dish?台風の日にコロッケ!?Are handmade croquettes fluffy? Croquettes on a typhoon day! ?
japanese food dinner

2021/06/18晩御飯dinner【蟹より蟹の食感、それはカニカマの話】【The story texture more than crab, that is, the kanikama(crab stick)】

カニよりカニの食感の偽物!?Crab texture fake than crab! ?カニカマは日本の食べ物って知ってる?Do you know that Kanikama is a Japanese food?
japanese food lunch

2021/06/18昼ご飯lunch※外食Eating out【鉄板天ぷら定食の話】【The story of Teppan tempura set meal】

天ぷらなのに鉄板!?一体どういうこと?Even though it's tempura, it's an iron plate! ? What the hell is that?見てみよう!let's look!
japanese food dinner

2021/06/17晩御飯dinner【魚魚魚~魚を食べると頭頭頭~頭が良く~なる~♪話】【The story of Fish Fish Fish-Eat fish-Be smart- ♪】

魚魚魚~魚を食べると頭頭頭~頭が良く~なる~♪話 The story of Fish Fish Fish-Eat fish-Be smart- ♪なんそれ?!what is that? !
japanese food dinner

2021/06/16晩御飯dinner【スペアリブとカマ焼きでお腹いっぱいの話】【The story full of spare ribs and grilled kama】

スペアリブとカマ焼きでお腹いっぱいの話 The story full of spare ribs and grilled kama.ブリのカマとは…Yellowtail's "kama" is…
japanese food dinner

2021/06/15晩御飯dinner【日本人は魚介料理も好きな話 】【Japanese people also like seafood dishes】

日本人は魚介料理も好きJapanese people also like seafood dishesイタリアンと日本食の共通点?!What do Italian and Japanese food have in common? !
japanese food dinner

2021/06/14晩御飯dinner【食後にほうじ茶プリンの話】【The story of roasted tea pudding after a meal】

プリンがほうじ茶味ってどういうこと?!What does the pudding taste like hojicha? !