japanese culture 2020/11/06【The story of light up and autumn leaves】【ライトアップと紅葉の話】 Delicate illumination of autumn in Japan! I'll teach you a little-known spot♪日本の秋の繊細なライトアップ!穴場を教えます♪ 2022.11.06 japanese culture
japanese food lunch 2021/11/04dinner晩御飯~07lunch昼ご飯【The story of Chinese rice bowl】【中華丼の話】 Is Chinese rice bowl Chinese food? Japanese food?中華丼は中華料理?日本料理?what kind of food is it?どんな料理かな?Japanese naming sense!日本人の命名センス! 2022.11.04 japanese food lunch
japanese food dinner 2021/11/01dinner晩御飯~11/04lunch昼ご飯【The story of Sudachi pot】【すだち鍋の話】 Sudachi is a fruit similar to a lime.すだちはライムに似た果実。Is it a hot pot dish? what does it taste like ?それを鍋料理に?どんな味になるの?? 2022.11.01 japanese food dinner