
japanese food lunch

2021/09/01昼ご飯lunch~09/04晩御飯dinner【ソーシャルディスタンス&コミュ障御用達ラーメン屋”一蘭”の話】【The story of “Ichiran”, a ramen shop specializing in social distancing and communal obstacles】

コロナ流行前からソーシャルディスタンス?!A ramen shop with social distance before the corona epidemic? !一体どんなラーメン屋?What kind of ramen shop is this?
japanese culture

2021/09/01【ボッチャでスギムライジングの話】【The story of Sugimurising with Boccia】

カーリングにハマる人はボッチャにもハマる!?People who are addicted to curling are also addicted to boccia! ?そんなボッチャとは?What is such boccia?