
- とんこつラーメン手作りチャーシュー三枚のせ
Tonkotsu ramen with 3 pieces of handmade char siu

- ご飯(写真に写ってません)
- アサリの味噌汁
- 納豆
- 生しらす
- ブロッコリーと酢の物の盛り合わせ
- 昼の残りの手作りチャーシュー
- 煮物
- 茹でトウモロコシ
- 茹で海老&茹で落花生
- かつおのたたき
rice (not pictured)
clam miso soup
raw whitebait
Assorted broccoli and vinegar
Leftover homemade char siu from lunch
simmered dish
boiled corn
boiled shrimp & boiled peanuts
Seared bonito

- コーヒー
- 豆乳パウンドケーキ
soy milk pound cake

- チキンカツカレーライス
- 豚汁
- ブロッコリー&落花生&海苔入り玉子焼き
- 煮物
- きんぴらごぼう
chicken cutlet curry rice
Miso soup with pork and vegetables
Broccoli, peanuts, and seaweed tamagoyaki
simmered dish
Kinpira Burdock

- 玄米入りご飯
- なめことワカメの味噌汁
- 納豆
- ママカリとワカメの酢の物
- 焼き茄子
- 鮎の塩焼き
rice with brown rice
Nameko and seaweed miso soup
Mamakari and seaweed vinegared dish
grilled eggplant
Salt-grilled sweetfish

Ayu has many small bones, but it is a delicious river fish. Only rivers with clean water. When I was a child, when I was swimming in a river in the countryside where my grandfather and grandmother lived, I found a weakened sweetfish and enclosed it. And for dinner that day, we grilled ayu and served it to the table! I thought I had rescued a weakened fish, but my family thought I had caught it alive. I was told, “I baked it because my body was weak! You can eat it!” When I answered, “I’m sorry,” he told me to eat it because it was a waste, so I ate the sweetfish, saying, “It’s delicious! It’s delicious!” Because it was really delicious!