- たこ飯
- チーズポテト
- リンゴとかぼちゃのサラダ
- 蒸し鶏
- お揚げと椎茸とほうれん草のお浸し
- タコときゅうりの酢の物
- 茄子と里芋の煮物
octopus rice
cheese potato
apple and pumpkin salad
steamed chicken
Deep-fried tofu, shiitake mushrooms, and spinach dip
Vinegared octopus and cucumber
Boiled Eggplant and Taro
Tako-meshi is a local dish made by slicing pre-processed octopus into small pieces and cooking it with rice seasoned with soy sauce, sake, mirin, and dashi stock. It is said that the octopus caught by fishermen was chopped on board and cooked with rice. It is often eaten in Aichi Prefecture and the Seto Inland Sea region. The texture of the octopus and the soup stock are effective and delicious! By the way, taco rice is completely different.

- ご飯
- アサリの味噌汁
- 納豆
- 焼きししゃも
- タコとキュウリとトマトの酢の物
- サラダ
- 茄子とピーマンの煮物
- 黒胡麻豆腐&白胡麻豆腐
clam miso soup
Grilled Shishamo
Vinegared octopus, cucumber and tomato
Boiled eggplant and peppers
black sesame tofu & white sesame tofu