- ご飯(写真に写ってません)
- モロヘイヤのお浸し
- フライドチキン&フライドポテト
- しゃぶ豚&ネギ味噌&ワカメ
- ゆで卵
- トマト
Rice (not shown in the photo)
Soaked Moroheiya
Fried chicken & french fries
Shabu-shabu pork & green onion miso & wakame seaweed
Boiled egg
Shabu-pork is shabu-shabu meat. Shabu-shabu is a hot pot dish in which meat is soaked in boiling water or warm soup, heated, and soaked in sesame or ponzu sauce. The meat of the day is called shabu-pork after passing through boiling water. Excellent compatibility with rich green onion miso and refreshing pork!

Last year today was the closing ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics! Corona, corruption and scandals made the Japanese ceremony modest overall, but the live performance of the Paris Olympics was overwhelming! An Air Force plane drew a tricolor flag around the Eiffel Tower. Kumagata drew the situation! We look forward to the tournament in the cities of Tahiti and Paris!