- ご飯
- シジミの味噌汁
- トウモロコシとベーコンと蒸し野菜
- 紅白かまぼことオクラ
- カットトマト
- ゆで卵
- カボチャサラダ
Asari miso soup
Corn, bacon, steamed vegetables
Red and white kamaboko and okra
Cut tomatoes
Boiled egg
Pumpkin salad
The white and pink objects on the left center plate are red and white kamaboko. Kamaboko is a paste product made from minced fish, and red and white are a congratulations color combination. Red is a talisman, white is beautiful, and the shape of the red and white bulrush looks like sunrise, so it is often served in New Year’s dishes. During this period, Japanese athletes played a major role in the Tokyo Olympics and medal rush! Congrats!

This is a volunteer who carefully put a T-shirt on a chair in the unbleached seats. The T-shirt said, “Don’t lose to Corona!”