- ご飯(写真に写ってません)
- 人参とじゃがいもの煮物
- 胡麻豆腐
- トマト
- キュウリ
- ナスとキノコのソテー
- インゲンと榎茸の肉巻き
Rice (not shown in the photo)
Boiled carrots and potatoes
Sesame tofu
Sauteed eggplant and mushrooms
Meat rolls of green beans and flammulina fili
Beef is rather expensive in Japan, so when we buy meat, we tend to choose pork or chicken. Some people say that beef is heavy because it doesn’t fit the body (digestive system). As we get older, some people can no longer eat beef. Pig farming became popular all over Japan for two years from 1871 (Meiji 4). In the area where Kumatamo lives, it seems that the barn, pig farm, and poultry farm are all nearby, and each smell comes along with the wind. It really smells. Even though I don’t know the location, it’s quite intense because I can tell what the smell is. However, thanks to those farmers, the dining table is supported, so I would like to thank you again today. “Itadakimasu=I will” * “Itadakimasu” is a word of gratitude that is given before eating rice. When you finish eating, say “Gochisousama=Feast”. This is also a word of gratitude.