- ご飯(写真に写ってません)
- シジミとネギの味噌汁
- 胡麻豆腐
- ビーツの甘酢漬け
- ビーツの葉のにんにく炒め
- 茹でインゲン
- カボチャサラダ
- 茄子とハムの炒め物
- マグロの刺身
Rice (not shown in the photo)
Clam and green onion miso soup
Sesame tofu
Beets pickled in sweet and sour sauce
Stir-fried beet leaves with garlic
Boiled green beans
Pumpkin salad
Stir-fried eggplant and ham
Tuna sashimi
Beets look like red turnips, but they are a family of spinach and sugar beet. It was crispy and had a radish-like texture. By the way, it was an abnormal situation to prevent heat stroke and call for power saving due to the intense heat for three consecutive days. From 15:00, the air conditioner was set to 28 ° C.

This is a picture of this time last year. It is the curtain of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics. Corona was restless all over the world, but the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics were postponed from two years ago to last year, and there were many scandals and incidents related to the Olympics, and most Japanese thought this way. “What? Do you really do it?” What will happen…I think this strange atmosphere was something that only the local Japanese at that time could understand.