- ご飯
- 豆腐とネギの味噌汁
- 納豆
- カボチャと手羽中の煮物
- トマト
- ナスといんげん豆の煮浸し
- えのきだけの肉巻き
Tofu and green onion miso soup
Bone chicken and simmered pumpkin
Stir-fried eggplant and green beans Enoki mushroom meat roll
It’s really hot today, isn’t it? The highest temperature in all parts of Japan exceeds 35 ℃. The menu of this day last year, which is too hot and has simmered dishes, may not be eaten today. By the way, the highest temperature on this day last year was 27 degrees Celsius in Tokyo. There is a difference of 8 ° C or more. Even though it is very sunny, the humidity is over 65%. When you come to Japan, please drink water diligently and be careful of heat stroke.