- ざるうどん
- うどんつゆ&薬味
- 天ぷら(海老、カボチャ、シシトウ)
- 天つゆ(大根おろしを入れ天ぷらに浸けて食べます)
Zaru udon
Udon soup & condiments
Tempura (shrimp, pumpkin, shishito)
Tentsuyu (Grated radish and soak in tempura to eat)
What is Teppan(iron plate)?Teppan(Iron plate) is a word used to mean “no doubt” or “certain”. Tempura is a typical Japanese food served to foreign customers and is Teppan(certain). Nowadays, with the success of Shohei Ohtani, local announcers are playing live such as “Sugoi!(Wow!)” “Iwateno takara!(Treasure of Iwate!)”, But Japanese people will be overjoyed when they shout”Teppan(no doubt)! Otani!”