父の日のプレゼントに送った燻製メーカーです。手紙には『お父さんへ 感謝の気持ちを送ります。いつもありがとう』と書いてあります。
It is a smoked maker that I sent as a gift for Father’s Day. The letter says, “I would like to thank my father. Thank you always ”.

It’s a pretty good finish!However, since they are not familiar with smoked ingredients, the chances will gradually decrease after this, and it will become a cooking utensil that will not be used after half a year.It was delicious though!

いただきます!Itadakimasu!(I will enjoy this!)
- 燻製卵
- スモークチーズ
- スモークウインナー
- ササミとキュウリのサラダ
- 玉ねぎとじゃがいものサラダ
- 麦茶
Smoked egg
Smoked cheese
Smoke sausage
Chicken fillet and cucumber salad
Onion and potato salad
barley tea