- ご飯
- 納豆
- キュウリの酢の物
- シュウマイ
- カレイと大根の煮付け
- きんぴらごぼう
- サラダ
- シジミの味噌汁
Rice,natto, vinegared cucumber, Chinese Steamed Dumplings, boiled flatfish and Japanese white radish, kinpira burdock, salad,miso soup with clam.
スーパー銭湯の温泉や岩盤浴の後で、塩気のある食事を食べるのはめちゃめちゃ旨いですね!It’s really delicious to eat a salty meal after a hot spring or bedrock bath in a super public bath!

It is the state of the sky on this day. It was the same cloudy weather as today. In the past, I hated Japanese telephone poles, which make the sky narrower than foreign countries,but the depictions of telephone poles frequently appeared in the anime “Neon Genesis Evangelion” and “lain”, and I became a little fond of them.