- ご飯
- 味噌汁
- 豆腐
- サラダ
- もずく
- 納豆
- 茶碗蒸し
- 信太巻き風揚げ包み
- 卵焼き
- 麦茶
Rice, miso soup, tofu, salad, mozuku, natto, chawanmushi, Shinoda roll fried wrap,eggs roll, barley tea
※Rice and miso soup are not shown in the photo.
信太巻きとは…信太巻きとは、油揚げを開いて、野菜、魚介のすり身、肉、豆腐などいろいろな食材を巻いた食品です。また、蒲鉾の表面を油揚げで覆った魚肉練り製品です。 そのまま煮物として、またおでんだねなどにも用いられます。 写真(右側真ん中の小鉢)の中身は糸こんにゃくや鶏挽き肉が入っています。
What is Shinoda-roll? Shinoda-roll is a food made by opening fried tofu and wrapping various ingredients such as vegetables, minced seafood, meat, and tofu. Also, a fish paste product in which the surface of Kamaboko is covered with fried tofu. It is used as it is for simmered dishes and also for oden noodles. The contents of the photo(a small bowl in the middle on the right)are thread konnyaku and minced chicken.